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--> はじけるPark LESS THAN HUMAN


Creaturely LoveHow Desire Makes Us More and Less Than Human【電子書籍】[ Dominic Pettman ]

Item Number 16

<p>To our modern ears the word “creature” has wild, musky, even monstrous, connotations. And yet the terms “creaturely” and “love,” taken together, have traditionally been associated with theological debates around the enigmatic affection between God and His key creation, Man. In <em>Creaturely Love</em>, Dominic Pettman explores the ways in which desire makes us both more, and less, human.?</p> <p>In an eminently approachable work of wide cultural reach and meticulous scholarship, Pettman undertakes an unprecedented examination of how animals shape the understanding and expression of love between people. Focusing on key figures in modern philosophy, art, and literature (Nietzsche, Salom?, Rilke, Balthus, Musil, Proust), premodern texts and fairy tales (Fourier, Fournival, Ovid), and contemporary films and online phenomena (Wendy and Lucy, Her, memes), Pettman demonstrates that from pet names to spirit animals, and allegories to analogies, animals have constantly appeared in our writings and thoughts about passionate desire.</p> <p>By following certain charismatic animals during their passage through the love letters of philosophers, the romances of novelists, the conceits of fables, the epiphanies of poets, the paradoxes of contemporary films, and the digital menageries of the Internet, <em>Creaturely Love</em> ultimately argues that in our utilization of the animal in our amorous expression, we are acknowledging that what we adore in our beloveds is not (only) their humanity, but their creatureliness.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Item Number 16

Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Review Average レビュー平均 0(5点満点)
Shop Name ショップ 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
Price 商品価格 2,440円(税込み)

